Welcome to
The Connected Ship
Supporting a more sustainable, digitized
and connected maritime industry
Funded by Nordic Innovation, the Connected Ship project will focus on creating collaboration and combining existing technologies and knowledge from the Nordic ICT and cleantech industries with the needs of the shipping industry. The outcome will support increased energy efficiency and a speedier transition towards a more sustainable development in the maritime sector
Watch the recording from the projects’ last webinar and learn about the Connected Ship and two cutting edge start-up companies developing AI-solutions for a safer and more energy efficient shipping industry.
“AI – Contributing to a Speedier Transformation of the Shipping Industry”
Lead Project Partner

The goal of the Connected Ship project is to demonstrate a digitalization platform on board a ship by the utilization of technology, platforms and experiences from smart city projects combined with maritime industry control systems, communication protocols and environmental prerequisites. It will prepare the ships for future interaction with the smart society (harbors, trucks, cargo, passengers and other smart micro-systems). The platform will horizontally collect and control non-critical data, handle data access policies and enable data analytics, AI and automation and other services to connect and get access to data and devices/control systems. This will support energy efficiency, predictive maintenance, Cyber Security and prepare the ships for future interaction with the smart society (and thereby creating an “intelligent mesh”).
In order to harvest the data the project aims to define an infrastructure and create a ship sensor network which is connected to the digitalization platform. The platform will control both data available today and new types of data to support data analytics in order to improve vessel performance and save costs. Critical vendor specific systems will connect vertically to the ship digitalization platform to allow the shipowner and their suppliers to analyze the data. The legal aspects of potential business models for data sharing when adding the vendor specific systems to the ship digitalization platform will also be investigated.
The ship digitalization platform will help collect and manage data across the equipment from various suppliers creating a platform for open innovation.
Work packages
Definition of use cases and value creation
Identification of the value created in the use cases and services. The main value is expected to relate to improved efficiency and sustainability thanks to a more efficient performance of the vessels, more accurate predictive maintenance as well as increased cybersecurity. These use cases will be further developed and additional will be identified as part of the work package.
Business models and data sharing
Define the critical data and legal aspects, business models, data ownership and data strategy.
The ship digital platform
In this work package the digital platform is installed and the different data sources integrated to the platform. The digital platform and a data storage layer will be deployed on-premise. The different networks are installed for data collection to a local server on the ship with possibilities to sync with a cloud-based service when the internet connection permits.
Data management from ship to land
The WP will define the data management strategy including data priority, data transfer policy, the data transfer from the local platform onboard the ship should be transferred to the central platform on shore.
Data analysis, visualization and display
The WP focuses on supporting the analysis and visualization of the collected data in order to help to create value for the ship owners in areas such as better predictive maintenance and vessel performance based on AI and making it more operative through dashboards, benchmarks etc.
Implementing and verifying use cases in a test bed
A pre-defined use case, as well as use cases defined during the lifetime of the project, will be implemented and the function/services verified/demonstrated.
Information, dissemination and exit strategy
The results and progress of the project will be presented through project partners social media channels and the webpage for the project. There will be seminars and workshops within the different WPs. The SARGASSO open innovation and collaboration platform will be used for the exit strategy and to disseminate challenges and opportunities arising during and after the project.
SARGASSO is an open innovation platform for the blue sector* and its related industries. It connects companies and organizations looking for solution providers to technical challenges or new partners to project consortias. In its essence it is a matchmaking service aimed to boost the development of the maritime industry. It it’s a tool to help companies save time and resources to find the right partners for technical issues, project development and business.
..is free of charge to use
..is independent and non-profit with no commercial interest
..is need and value driven
..allows for full non-disclosure set-up allowing you to investigate potential interest without losing ownership of your idea
SARGASSO’s stakeholders are composed by it’s users and it’s receivers.
Users have a need or a challenge that they have to, or perhaps prefer, to solve with external partners. Maybe your company has a new customer that requires solutions outside your ordinary line of business and network? Or perhaps you have an excellent project proposal and you need partners, but you’d rather not go public just yet?
As a user you set the transparency level of your request, both in terms of identity and level of detail.
Receivers are a part of the SARGASSO network – a mix of various industries with potential business interest in the maritime segment. These guys are also the solution providers and future project partners that the users are hoping to find.
Both users and receivers are a part of the community Friends of SARGASSO.
Friends of SARGASSO
The community is the core of SARGASSO. It is other companies and organizations who, just like yours, has identified the need to collaborate with others in order to excel in a fast-paced world. They come from various industries and have a wide range of skills and fields of expertise.
What purpose does SARGASSO fit for the Connected Ship Project?
As a part of the Connected Ship project, SARGASSO’s role is to pick up the technical hang ups and new project proposals that follows in the backwash of the new and innovative technical development created by the project. This will grow the project’s network and allow for new consortia’s and project spin offs by connecting existing partners with new contacts and business associates.
If you have an interest in the project and wish to find out about the possibilities to get involved please get in touch through the “Contact” page.
What does the process look like if you want to use SARGASSO?
Visit sargasso.blue and write down your challenge (a.k.a request/proposal) in a Pitch-form or book a meeting with us. Together we’ll determine whether your challenge is a Request for Solution Providers, RSP (when you have a technical- or service based challenge close to market) or a Request for Project Partners, RPP (where you have an idea for a project).
After you’ve filled in the RSP/RPP we will send it out to our network and get in touch with your requested partners. After the deadline has passed we will revert to you with the response to your request. The rest is up to you.
For more information visit sargasso.blue.
*The blue sector includes, but is not limited to; fisheries and aquaculture, shipping, shipbuilding and marine equipment, marine extraction of oil and gas, maritime transport, coastal tourism, marine biotech, desalination and use of fresh water sources, ocean renewable energy and seabed mining.